Jade Rolling: My Weeklong Journey to Self-Care and Wellness

6 min read

I'm Jessica, and I admit to not always practicing what I preach when it comes to self-care. Despite knowing how to improve my well-being and writing about it professionally, I haven't been consistent with healthy habits lately. Therefore, I've decided to recommit to wellness and take better care of my body.

I began by using a jade roller on my buttocks. If you enjoy Cosmo magazine and would like to receive it regularly, you can subscribe here. Recently, a larger version of the classic jade roller called the Allover Roller has been introduced by the beauty brand Esker. This body tool offers similar benefits as facial rollers, such as improved product absorption, reduced puffiness, and stimulation of the lymphatic system, but is designed for larger areas of the body. When I learned about this new body roller, I was close to restarting my Daily Harvest subscription and finally using my Peloton bike for more than just decoration.

It seemed like fate; the ideal indulgent yet beneficial habit to help me focus on self-care and treating my body well. So, in pursuit of beauty and a toned behind, I decided to use a jade roller on my entire body for a week to test if the trend is truly effective. The use of jade for self-care has a long history in Chinese medicine, being regarded as a healing stone for thousands of years. However, despite its traditional significance, there is currently no scientific evidence to support the idea that rolling a carved crystal on your skin will provide any healing benefits.

It's a pleasant thought, isn't it? Jessica Yarbrough mentioned a jade roller for the body. Whether you're doubtful or a believer, there are concrete benefits to massaging your body with a large jade roller, according to dermatologist Dr. Joshua Zeichner. He suggests that the rolling action can improve lymphatic drainage and reduce swelling. Additionally, using the roller alongside skincare products may help enhance the absorption of active ingredients into the skin. Other possible benefits that Dr. Zeichner mentioned include…

Jade rollers apply pressure to constrict blood vessels and reduce swelling due to their cold temperature (ideal to keep it refrigerated). They also claim to diminish cellulite appearance by breaking down fibrous bands holding fat in place. Although there are uncertainties about these benefits, the allure was enough for me to begin using the jade roller on my entire body. The Allover Roller, measuring seven inches in length and three inches in width, is comically large.

The roller made of Xiuyan jade and stainless steel has a weighty and substantial feel, unlike cheaper face rollers. It has a textured head with points and ridges for deeper massage. The founder of Esker recommends using the roller after a shower with body oil, applying light-to-medium pressure for 5 to 10 minutes. She personally enjoys doing it while watching Netflix or the news.

"Since she was one of the first to popularize the practice of using a full-body jade roller, I completely trusted her guidance.

On the first day of my experiment, I woke up early to exercise by cycling. After 45 minutes, my calf muscles were both sore and excited for the upcoming jade rolling session. Following my bike ride and shower, I applied Esker's Restorative Body Oil (which has a calming frankincense scent) all over my body. Davenport advised me to roll the jade roller in the direction of the lymph flow, moving towards the heart. Simply put, I started at my feet and rolled upwards using gentle strokes."

When you move above the heart, start using downward strokes. There is no exact science behind it, but for me, it was captivating. The heavy jade roller caused slight discomfort as it moved over my bony shins, but it felt amazing on my softer areas like thighs, buttocks, calves, and even chest. I didn't see any immediate changes on the first day, except for a feeling of achievement. I did it! Taking care of myself! Time to drink a smoothie!

Jessica Yarbrough, the author, shares the results of her experience with jade rolling. Throughout the week, she found herself eagerly anticipating her rolling sessions, especially as a rewarding treat after working out, similar to using a foam roller.

Jessica Yarbrough preferred to stand while using the roller on her skin, unlike Davenport's method of using it while watching Netflix. By the fourth day, she noticed a significant improvement in the texture of her skin, especially on her buttocks. Sitting for long hours as a writer had caused roughness and "assne" on her buttocks, but using the roller helped to smooth out the roughness by giving her buttocks the attention they needed.

At the end of my experiment, I started to notice a slight improvement in the appearance of my thighs and calves. However, since I was also exercising regularly, it is hard to determine if the firming of my muscles was solely due to jade rolling. Unfortunately, I did not achieve my desired goal of magically toning my butt or reducing my cellulite through rolling.

When it comes to my own cheeks and thighs, I still struggle with the outdated idea that smoother is better, despite my efforts to challenge this patriarchal belief. Regardless, I continue to use a jade roller daily because it feels good, offering some hope. The effectiveness of jade rolling is uncertain, as there is limited scientific evidence supporting its benefits according to Dr. [last name].

Zeichner suggests that there are no drawbacks to giving jade rolling a try. In my personal experience, I have found a positive aspect to it as well. I enjoy the soft and smooth feeling the roller gives to my skin, and I believe it enhances the absorption of my body oil. Additionally, the repetitive motion of jade rolling helps me relax and momentarily eases my anxiety. This could be why jade rolling has remained popular over time.

It is a positive feeling. According to Davenport, tools like rollers and gua sha have been used for many years, which shows how beneficial they are. This is sufficient evidence for me as someone who believes in these benefits. Jessica DeFino is a beauty writer and natural skincare enthusiast who enjoys making her own face oils in her spare time.

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